• Question: Who is your favourite scientist?

    Asked by amazingalix to Emma, Jimmy, Janet, Niall, Simon on 9 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Park

      Simon Park answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      Alexander Fleming. He was a bit messy and disorganised like me but he did discover penicillin which saved millions of people from dying of bacterial infections.

    • Photo: Janet Daly

      Janet Daly answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      For me, Rosalind Franklin. She was a research scientist at time when there were not so many women in science. She contributed to the discovery of the DNA helix (such a fundamental part of our knowledge in biological sciences today) and she also studied the structure of viruses. She would have probably done lots more and have been more widely recognised if she had not died relatively young as a result of cancer.

    • Photo: Niall Crawford

      Niall Crawford answered on 10 Mar 2013:

      Charles Darwin. He changed many people’s opinions on life on Earth and where it came from, which changed the way Biology was studied forever. Evolution is a key idea of most biological work.

    • Photo: Emma Ashley

      Emma Ashley answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Francis Crick and James Watson. They discovered the double-helix structure of DNA in 1953 which gave us a model of how genetic material is coded and replicated.
