• Question: what is your favourit science prodjekt???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Asked by rfaulkner to Emma, Jimmy, Janet, Niall, Simon on 9 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Park

      Simon Park answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      Mmmmm. I’m a microbiologist and work with microbes, but the atom smashing experiment at CERN is pretty cool!

    • Photo: Niall Crawford

      Niall Crawford answered on 10 Mar 2013:

      Edward Jenner did an experiment where he infected a boy on purpose with a disease (cowpox), so that he would be immune to another more dangerous disease (smallpox). Nowadays, it seems crazy to use humans for an experiment, but it worked and now smallpox has been wiped out worldwide. also, it started the idea of giving people innoculations against diseases, which has saved millions of people worldwide. All from that one experiment. Now that is a cool experiment, one which has changed human life

    • Photo: James Holloway

      James Holloway answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      There is a project to try and get the power of the sun here on earth called JET.

      The sun makes incredible amounts of energy by burning stuff in a special way (called fusion). The catch is its really really hard to do!

      If we do manage to do it the whole world will have all the energy we could need – without making lots of pollution. So yeah thats got to be the project I am most interested in.
