• Question: What is the definition of time? In your opinion...

    Asked by lee111rowan to Emma, Jimmy, Janet, Niall, Simon on 19 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: James Holloway

      James Holloway answered on 19 Mar 2013:

      Hi Lee,

      So there is no real answer to this question for now, at least not one that i can give you that is satisfying. But I can say a few things about time.

      You can think of time as a special space dimension. We can move forwards and backwards through space, but we can only move forwards through time – its one way.

      Time is also related to energy. The more kinetic (moving) energy something has the less time it takes to get somewhere. Something with no energy doesn’t change, it doesn’t move, as if time were frozen for it.

      That is as far as I can go with this question, but I will have a think and see if I can add to it 🙂

    • Photo: James Holloway

      James Holloway answered on 19 Mar 2013:

      double post sorry!

    • Photo: Niall Crawford

      Niall Crawford answered on 20 Mar 2013:

      It is the thing I ALWAYS run out of when trying to get something done.

      Humans use to accurately tell when things happened or are scheduled to happen. More reliable than the sun, especially in Scotland where we don’t see it.
