• Question: do you think it is possible for the space time continuem to break down. and if it did what would happen to life on earth?

    Asked by gingerscientist to Emma, Jimmy, Janet, Niall, Simon on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Niall Crawford

      Niall Crawford answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      It’s not something I know a lot about, but I’d imagine that life life on Earth would become very different it if were to break down. However, I don’t think it is due to break down any time soon.

    • Photo: James Holloway

      James Holloway answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Hmm well we think something crazy like this may be happening in the middle of black hole. At the centre is a singularity, a point of infinite mass density. Here the normal rules of physics do not apply and there is no way normal life could continue there!

      One of the two fates of our universe is that one day all the stuff will fall into one giant black hole (the Big Crunch – opposite to the big bang). If this happens then effectively the space-time continuum would have broken.
