• Question: do you prefer whole milk or semi skimmed? and why due to science terms?

    Asked by manisingh to Emma, Jimmy, Janet, Niall, Simon on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: James Holloway

      James Holloway answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      whole milk has more fat in it, and fat tends to taste good. Skimmed milk is just whole milk with the fat taken out. I’m definitely a whole milk man.

    • Photo: Janet Daly

      Janet Daly answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      I switched to semi-skimmed milk quite a while ago to be healthier (i.e. less fat) and have got used to the taste of it so that now I don’t like whole milk any more…

    • Photo: Emma Ashley

      Emma Ashley answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      It depends, a prefer semi-skimmed with tea and cereal but full fat in coffee. Full fat milk still has a low fat content of 4% and some scientific studies have suggested that full-fat milk may be better for you.
